Sunday, February 16, 2014

Seeing God's Goodness

Hi friends!!

How are you? I hope you are doing so well. Sorry some time has passed since we last spoke. I feel like that is usually the first line or two in Mine or Carly's posts but thanks for being an avid reader of this little slice of heaven in the World Wide Web. It's funny how places, people, and situations end up taking a big place in your heart when you least expect it. This little blog always seems to do the same. Our love for the little things is definitely not a coincidence for a theme of this blog ;)

For some of you who know me best, you could probably get a hunch some of the aforementioned blog post to "drive out fear" was directed at me. I wish I could say otherwise- but it's true. To be honest- for the longest time I never really knew I did that. Living in fear. Being fearful or unsure was just a natural inclination from growing up I had no clue I had hardened my heart so much.
Seeing the beauty of the Cross to unharden hearts.

I've been reading though- a great book called ' Consoling the Heart of Jesus'.  So much of the book focuses on His heart and not our own. It has been so refreshing to read. One of the points that drove home for me was the part about a hardened heart.  It can be so easy to close our hearts off to others ; to let the fear keep us from living a truly full life. But when we do this- we close off the opportunity to invite The Lord and others in, and then have an inability to truly see the gifts God sends us every day.

Snow in Dallas!

Now, by no means am I an expert at driving out fear at all at this point. But, by focusing on the heart of God's mercy I can trust He will always be with me in every step. Not promising suffering won't come my way, but instead guiding me and loving me in each moment when I am in the joys and tough times in this Life. Only love from above can un harden our hearts.  

So for February my goal has been to see something beautiful each day by writing down when I saw God's goodness in my life. Knowing He is here with me helps me to let go of this fear that I am so tired to call a companion of mine. While fear I'm sure fear will try to creep in sooner rather than later I am thankful for this gift of feeling liberated from it by consoling the Lord's heart which has been pierced. What is there to fear when the Maker of our hearts is in control of our lives?

From the Diary of St. Faustina which the book quotes:

"You should not worry too much about adversities. The world is not as powerful as it seems to be." (1643)

"Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy"

Here is to seeing His goodness and leaving an old friend 'Fear' at the door.

Until next time at the little bistro set.