Sunday, September 29, 2013

Good To Me

Hi Friends!!

It has been awhile, hasn’t it. I have been missing my little space in the blogosphere. While I have been making up for my lack of writing by reading blogs (and sitting drinking tea), let’s try again at this little randevu.

Can I just be the first to say it:: (Or maybe, the second, hundredth, thousandth girl)…

I could not be more excited! Dallas has been gorgeous. Right now it is 70 degrees, breezy, and beautiful!

(My view on this gorgeous day so far). There just is something about this time of year that gets me super excited. It could be due to no longer getting long breaks off  (womp womp) so seasons become all the more special in the working world!! Except, when stores begin to jump ahead. While I do love snowmen, it is not even October yet. Let’s enjoy Fall first, pretty please!!

Besides being super excited and loving every possibility of being outside and enjoying this amazing
weather we have had, (and getting to wear scarves, smell cinnamon, and eat pumpkin!!!) here is a semi wrap up of what has been going on since the last time I wrote.

Work has been work to say the least. With anything, there are little struggles that pop up and
sometimes you get to a point that you say “but there is a whole WORLD out there” and I am sitting. In a cube. But, then, there are other days when you feel very good about the work you are doing and things just make sense. It’s all about the pluses and minuses and taking each day for each day. Remember how earlier I said I had been working on this? Progress!

These last weeks...months? (oh wow) have been incredibly blessed though and challenging and exactly what I needed. My life has consisted of tap dancing, yoga, young adults, Mass, prayer time, dinners, exploring, game watching, catching up, picnics, walks, coffee drinking, trying new eateries, meeting new people, and traveling to College Station. It has all been a whirlwind (an exciting one at that) after working hours. But,unfortunately, it can be too easy for me to forget all the good things and to look at very minute details of a job, the things that don’t make me the happiest, and struggling with “Is this really what I am supposed to be doing” . But, when I step back, and see ALL the great and beautiful things in my life all I can think of is Audrey Assad’s new song “Good to Me”. ( We are on an Audrey kick right now aren’t we Miss King?!)

Maybe you haven’t heard the song yet or do not like her music, but please just look at this one line at

“I put all my hope on the truth of Your promise and I steady my heart on the ground of Your goodness”

For me, it can be very difficult to see the goodness of the Lord, as I too often fall into my own
melancholy. (Oh..I could talk about temperaments for DAYS. Next post. I am just about to finish the
book!) But, what a beautiful reminder to remember God is always there to help and not hurt us. To lead us to His heart. Yes, some days it is very easy to see the goodness and trust in God’s promises. But let’s try in those difficult times and days to not focus on the dreary but, instead, focus and see the very great things going on in our lives.

On some days, the only good things going on in the office world can be pretty funny. And I just have to laugh sometimes at Corporate America. So, in trying to see the good things in sometimes difficult days… let’s have a laugh at scenarios I have written down shall we?

1. Getting your own cube!!! (which is actually getting taken away to go back into a “war room” #techie
2. New designs on the Dixie cups?! Exciting! Good day.
3. Going for a walk outside during lunch! Gotta get that Vitamin D, sunshine, and fresh air. Also,
leads me back to the “There is a whole world out there!”
4. Being on someone’s water/coffee/tea cycle. You see them at the kitchen at the same time.
Good day. We are both like clock work.
5. Tea. Tea. Tea. (which explains why number 4 happens)

To good things, God’s goodness, and Fall!!!
And living moment by moment with this girl:

And to being better at this blogger thing.

Thanks for sitting across from me,

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